Biodegradable Packaging
Moor Spa is the first company in the spa industry to convert to biodegradable packaging.

Introducing Our Biodegradable Packaging
Plastic proliferation has become one of the most intractable problems facing mankind.
From the ‘Great Pacific Garbage Dump’ to the ubiquitous presence of microplastics across the planet and even in human tissue, this is a problem that cries out for immediate action. Relying on recycling is no longer an option as only 10% of recyclable plastic is ultimately recycled.
Plastic packaging is the single, largest contributor to this problem, It takes between 500 and 1,000 years for HDPE plastic (the type most commonly used in the spa/wellness/beauty industry) to decompose. It’s estimated that between 10,000 and 100,000 tonnes of plastic has been dumped into the world’s oceans as a result of mismanagement of waste disposal. Glass and paper-based alternatives are very limited while crop bioplastics are expensive and use up land and water resources. Also they are not biodegradable and must be processed in an incinerator resulting in CO2 emmissions.

A Smart, Viable Solution
Moor Spa has partnered with Symphony Environmental, a UK based company and its packaging suppliers to produce a range of its existing packaging that includes a substance called d2w. This causes the treated plastic to become fully biodegradable in the presence of oxygen after the natural shelf life of the product has expired. Rather than taking over 500 years to decompose, the packaging biodegrades in as little as 6 months both on land and in the ocean.

Our Packaging
These are some of the Moor Spa packaging types that have been converted to biodegradable form using d2w. These include soft tubes, airless pump containers, spray bottles and professional size containers for back bar use.

These electron microscope images show how plastic treated with d2w begins to show cracks which become fissures as it is colonized by bacteria and fungi. Several scientific studies, including some conducted at Queen Mary University in London, have demonstrated the effectiveness of d2w. It has also been accredited by standards agencies in the US, UK, Europe. the Middle East and South America.